Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Visits are never long enough!

Well, my parent's visit is over...they left this morning...so sad. However, we have an addition to our household, my brother, Jeff is now living with us while he goes to UVU. We got him all set up with his classes last week. What a beautiful school that is! I've never really walked around the campus before...I was very impressed! They've designed the school so that everything is connected so if the weather is bad you don't have to go outside to get to another building...very cool! His first day of class is tomorrow, I'm so excited for him! I went with him one day to the campus...with no children! My mom watched the girls for me (thanks mom), so I was feeling very young and hip walking around a college campus! That all came to end when Jeff's counselor thought I was his mother!!!! I felt like smacking that guy! Later, we had to go see another counselor, and the first thing I said when we walked into the office, "Hi, I'm Jeff's SISTER...yeah, we're brother and SISTER!". I just wanted to make sure there wasn't any confusion!
So anyway, we had such a nice visit...I'm bummed they're gone. My mom has endured one round of Chemo so far...it was horrendous for her. I'm so grateful that she was feeling well enough to come out here before she has to undergo another round. She looks amazing! I'm so impressed by her strength!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that your Mom is doing well! And how could anyone mistake you for Jeff's Mom??? That would mean that you were 12 when you had him!
