Monday, September 15, 2008

Back to Monday...

We had a pretty nice weekend, the weather has been beautiful lately. The mornings are getting much cooler! Fall is definitely here... the leaves up in the mountains are already changing! I have to admit I do love this time of year, although I'm going to miss summer.

Anyway, back to the weekend. I was able to go on a hike Saturday morning, just me and the dog (Etta). It was wonderful!!! We hiked up Rock Canyon a ways, actually it was the furthest I've ever hiked up. Usually the kids are with us so we're kinda of limited to how far we can go. This time I just couldn't stop, it kept getting prettier every turn I took. And it was so nice to be alone, very soothing, and peaceful! It was much needed...thank you Ryan! I felt very refreshed when I got home!

Sunday we went on our morning ride up the canyon...kinda chilly! It won't be long and I'll have to wear leg warmers. Then Church followed by a visit to the park in the afternoon. We choose this park that has a huge field beside it so I could work with Etta while the girls played. However, that Sunday (usually no one is there on a Sunday) it was so crowed...I think it must have been a family reunion going on. So of course my training session was a disaster since Etta kept on getting distracted. I made up for it later that evening.

My training is going pretty well. I'm just working on the basics so far; sit, stay, come. I have to make sure she knows these all by hand motions too, along with whistle cues, because when she's in the field she may not be able to hear me. She does really well when we're in the moment of training, but as soon as the leash comes off and I use my cues she doesn't do it! It is very frustrating at times, but I'll keep trying. This has got to pay off eventually, right?

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