Friday, September 12, 2008

Trying to keep up!

During the past few weeks I've had to take Jeff to the mall on several occasions for him to pick up applications, return applications, and a few interviews. So I've had some time to do a lot of window shopping. The Fall fashions line the store fronts...and I've come to the conclusion that Ryan and I need new clothes!! I try so hard to keep up with the times; the clothes, shoes, hair styles, make-up, but no matter what, it seems I'm always falling behind. In my defense, a lot of the extra money goes to the kids and things they need since they're constantly out growing everything! Maybe I been feeling a little behind the times because I've been spending a lot of time on Jeff's college campus...that's just not a good place for me! I just feel old!! It feels just like yesterday that Ryan and I were walking around our college campus...looking cool of course. Where did the time go?! It's amazing how when you have kids life goes into super speed, and before you know it the cute shoes that you thought you bought last year are really from 5 years ago and not looking so cute anymore.


  1. I am going to debate that I looked "cool" in college. Or ever. I am working on it.

  2. Also, and I'm not just being argumenative... you look better and more stylish than in college.
