Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Little Teacher

So lately when I bring Haley home from Preschool she immediately turns into Miss Haley the school teacher, Morgan and Pooh Bear being her students. It's just so cute! She pulls out a stool for Morgan to sit on, and Poor Bear gets to sit on the diaper genie (lucky him) and she uses all the papers and projects she brought home that day as "work" for her "students" to do. And surprisingly, Morgan actually follows along with it! So sometimes, if I'm lucky, I get a few minutes to catch up on other things while they play nicely in the room.

Off the topic...but funny!

When Morgan wants to say cookie, she says it "dookie". It pretty much cracks us up every time! "I want a dookie please!" Ahhh, so funny!


  1. Reminds me of how Parker used to say "truck" with an "f"... we'd be walking along the town center, and Parker would start yelling, *uck, *uck, *uck! I would always immediately say, "oh yes, that is a TRUCK!"

  2. Who doesn't love eating some dookie now and then?
