Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time to Vent!

I have a bone to pick with mothers who display too much perfection!! I just don't get it! Mothers need to see other mothers imperfections...a messy house once in a while, kids that don't always behave, a crappy dinner, you get the idea! This one family that used to live in my neighborhood ALWAYS had a perfect house, I could be just popping in one day...yep, PERFECT, not a crumb anywhere! And it seemed their kids always behaved well, they were little angels that never got a smudge on their clothes, chewed with their mouths closed, never once picked their noses, and never ever forgot to say please and thank you. (OK, I'm probably exaggerating quite a bit now) But is that possible!! I just leave their house feeling bad. We all want to make good first impressions, I understand that, but come one is perfect all the time! And I don't want people to think I am...I screw up probably on a daily basis. I could go on and on with all the things that I need to work on. I'm sure Ryan could add to my already long list, but, I'm trying every day to do the best I can. It's OK to have crumbs under the table sometimes, or dishes in the sink...and who cares if the whole family is still wearing pj's at 11:00 in the morning!! Yes, I know, I shouldn't compare myself to anyone...but come on...we all do it sometimes! I get on these tangents every now and then, and then I'm OK. One of the things I love best is when I get together with other mothers and hear all their crazy stories of know the stories that when it happened you're in tears, but later you laugh about it (goodness, I have a lot of those). I get sick of hearing about how life is so so perfect, nothing ever goes wrong, "What, your kid had a temper tantrum in the grocery store? My kids never do that!". UGH!

OK, I'm not sure I should even post this...I certainly don't want to offend anyone. But I'm all about honesty on this blog!

My point: Don't be a's OK to show other people your imperfections!! And if you are that perfect...well, then I think there's more that goes on behind closed doors that people just don't see. Nobody can be perfect all the time!


  1. I just want to say for the record that there is no way that I ever had to carry a kicking and screaming Brandon from the park to our car last week. Never happened to my perfect children. And, allow me to add that there is no way that he was kicking and screaming because I wouldn't let him take yet another trail map from the park's visitor center, to add to the collection of approximately 50,000 we already have around our house. And let me further add, that Parker did not push some little boy who we don't know at the park yesterday because the little boy wanted to use the slide that Parker had apparently claimed as his own. Plus, I would like to add that there are NEVER enough crumbs under our kitchen table to feed an entire family for weeks at a time, including entire pieces of pasta and beans that I pretend I don't see.

  2. Just like Tigger's hairballs!

    Ahh, I needed that...thanks Beth!

  3. I love reading your blog because you are so honest! I despise reading the blogs of my family members who have the "perfect" little children. Especially since I have met these children and they are FAR from perfect! So be proud!
