Monday, September 8, 2008

Fun Filled Weekend

One of the things I love about Utah, is how easy it is to get of town! Within minutes you can be up in the mountains making you feel you're hours away from home. Love that!
So anyway, we packed up the car Saturday morning and headed out to Nebo for an overnight camp trip. Packing the car was a process in itself!! I wish my camera was working because it was a sight to see! Ryan accomplished what I thought might me the impossible...I can't believe how much stuff we needed for just one night! Granted the dog box took up the majority of the space, and then after the camp kitchen was in, it didn't leave much room after that! But we managed to get everything we needed...and probably stuff we didn't really need.
So anyway, we found a nice little camp spot with a lake/pond in hiking distance, which was nice. We also took a drive in the afternoon further up Nebo Loop to take in some sights...beautiful! We ended the day with a campfire and smores...probably Haley and Morgan's favorite part! That, and sleeping in a tent...they just love it! However, that night I didn't get any sleep...that's usually a given when camping. It was Morgan's first time in her own sleeping bag...which she was super excited about! Morgan slept next to me, and she woke up about every 30 minutes (I may be exaggerating, but that's what it felt like). She would call out "Mommy!" and then reach out to me smashing her hands against every inch of my face. Yes,'s still me beside you!! So that wasn't very cool. And then sometime in the middle of night Etta needed out of her crate to go to the bathroom. So I got up to do that...but then I got scared standing outside the tent. I thought what if a bear attacks me and carries me away... my family wouldn't even know what happened to me! (Yes, I have a slight fear of bears.) So I poked my head into the tent and called Ryan's 10 times! He didn't I ended up finally getting his attention by throwing a shoe at him (don't worry, not at his head or anything). I just wanted him to be a little awake to he could rescue me in case something happened...makes sense right?! Luckily, there were no bears.
The next morning we had a great breakfast...something about cooking bacon or sausage in the great can't have a better start to the day!! That and Pringles with lunch seems to be a given when we camp. Chips were extremely rare growing up, but my mom always bought Pringles when we went camping...a tradition that I'm carrying on! I have such great memories of all the camping trips we went on growing up. It was so care free as a child. Now as a adult, I know what my parents went through for every camping's hard!! Preparing meals, cooking, cleaning the dishes, packing the car, not to mention the dirt that is accumulated everywhere! But it's so worth it! Haley and Morgan love it!!

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