Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Living with Jeffy boy!

So I'm not sure what's going through Jeff's head...maybe..."What on Earth am I doing here?!". Living in a house with two small children is a huge adjustment for him, actually I think he takes it quite well. He's such a mellow person, it would take a lot to make him go completely nuts.

He went with us today to drop Haley off at preschool so that we could get some errands done for him before his class. I kid you not, Morgan screamed the entire time we were driving around! We had to make a stop at the mall because he wanted to pick up some applications for a job. We were walking through the mall to the Buckle store (Morgan was not being the best child at the moment). Jeff's words to me, "Umm, are you coming in too?". I'm sure he was thinking, "Please, do not follow me into this store with that screaming child!!!". To his relief, I took Morgan into the Disney store while we waited for him to do his thing. Even if she was being good at that moment, I wouldn't have gone in with him, just for the record.

Then later today, after his class, he was supposed to get a ride home from our brother Matt (he is also taking classes there). They were going to meet up and maybe grab lunch together and do cool college type things. However, Matt wasn't able to get down there. So last minute I had to jump back in the car and go back to the school to pick Jeff up. I found him at the fountain in the center of campus looking very collegiate reading in the shade. And I looked anything but collegiate racing through the Student Center (the first fifteen minutes are free parking, hence the reason I was racing) toting two children. I'm sure I was the last person he wanted to see! Not really, he was very appreciative! I guess if you're other option is to walk home, he'll take a ride in the family wagon!

We have really enjoyed having him here, whether he feels the same...well, I don't know! But he's a very easy going person, and he can be very helpful with the girls. I'm sure he doesn't enjoy hearing the sound of dress up shoes on tile floors at 8:00 on a Saturday morning. Or the fact that he sits next to Morgan during dinner and has to dodge her sticky hands when she waves her arms around. Or sometimes he has to sit in the back middle seat, which is pretty tough for a tall guy. I do want to add that I take that seat a lot so he can have the front to make thing a bit easier, but sometimes he just has brush the cracker crumbs aside and bite the bullet!

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