Monday, September 1, 2008

The sweatsuits come out of the closet!

Well, today marks the first time in months that I've worn a sweatsuit. Yes, I don't care what the fashion gurus say about them...nothing beats a sweatsuit on a cold day! Gotta love them! Plus, you can find some really cute ones. My goal is to get myself and the girls matching ones just like in the movie Royal Tenenbaums...OK, not really.

So today, like I was saying, is cold and rainy along with lightning and thunder. Doesn't make for good Labor Day, although I do love listening to the thunder. We wanted to get out for a hike or something, but looks like we may be rained out, it doesn't look like it going to slow down any...bummer.

One good's a perfect cookie baking day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm about to start baking cookies, too! It's a gorgeous day here, and we are having friends over for a backyard play date and dinner on the deck. Cookies for dessert!

    If anyone can rock a sweatsuit, it's you.
