Thursday, September 25, 2008

Not my finest...

It seems I've been having a lot of these lately...I'll blame it on the fact that Ryan has been gone since Sunday.

This evening I went a bit crazy! Do you ever have those moments that you look around the house and you just feel so closed in, surrounded by so much stuff that you just want to throw everything away?! Well, that's exactly how I felt when I walked into the girls' room. I didn't know where to begin!! Toys were everywhere!! Not to mention an opened shampoo bottle on the floor, a wet diaper (Morgan has been into striping lately), my broom and dust pan (I have no idea how those got there) and my scrapbooking pens (all with their caps off). You're probably asking where was I during all this...OK, I was talking on the phone to Ryan when they were getting into their shenanigans...but in my defense, this was my first time actually getting to talk to him longer than 3 minutes. I think we got to talk about 10 minutes this time...woo hoo!! He has been so super busy in Vegas usually we just say hi and then he talks to the girls a little bit and then it's "I love you, goodbye". So I heard the girls playing in their room when I was on the phone, I was just relieved that they weren't fighting and kept my fingers crossed and hoped for the best! Well, that didn't work out so well.

Anyway, so I walk into their room going into crazy mama mode. I brought in the trash can and just started throwing things away. NO, I didn't throw away their good toys, just junky, stupid toys that I have no idea where they came from and of course real trash, such as coloring book pages or torn up kid magazines. Haley started completely freaking out, "Don't throw away my toys, I love my toys, they're my favorite toys!!!!". Then she started yelling "Daddy is my best friend, he loves my toys too!!!!". Lovely.

So finally, after a bit of arguing and fussing...and one broken storage bin later, we got the room cleaned up.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

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