Wednesday, September 24, 2008


...I've been off my game this week with my updates! I've gotta get on the ball!

So Ryan has been in Vegas this week, he left on Sunday and he'll be back on Saturday. And just for the record, we haven't had cereal for dinner yet this week!! Since Jeff is living here I thought I'd better keep on cooking dinners before he wastes away to nothing. He's lost about 10 pounds since he's moved here!!! He's loosing his freshman fifteen instead of gaining it! I swear there's food here, and I cook dinner every night...I promise!! Although, he wouldn't care if we did have cereal for dinner, he could live off that stuff! Last night I'm cooking dinner he asks, "Is there anything I can do to help you?" WHAT?!! Is that Jeff asking that?!!! WOW!!! So I told him there's a box of brownie mix...he can make some dessert. And he did!! That was super nice of him, and the girls were also very grateful! It certainly makes things easier for me when Ryan's gone.

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