Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fancy Nancy

Not sure if anyone is familiar with this picture book series, or if anyone cares, but if you have daughters or nieces you should totally get these books for them...they are way cute! My mom got me hooked on them...she always finds the cutest things for my girls! Anyway, both Haley and Morgan are going to be Fancy Nancy for Halloween. They have to be the same thing because Morgan would freak out if she isn't wearing the same thing as Haley (she wants to do everything Haley does, wears, says...EVERYTHING). So in any case, I've been slowly gathering things for their costume, it's really not that difficult since Fancy Nancy basically wears anything that has ruffles, sparkles, pink in it, flowers or butterflies on it...you get the idea. The girls already had the real Fancy Nancy skirt, complete with ribbons and flowers already on it! Very cute! And the last several weeks I've been buying anything that Fancy Nancy would wear...meaning very girly, girly stuff! So we'll see how all this comes together on Halloween. I'm sure everyone that sees them are going to be like..."And you're supposed to be....hmmm, a princess? a diva? a pop star?...". Then I'll shout at them, "FANCY NANCY...don't you know anything?!!!!". Okay, not really...but it'll be funny watching people trying to figure out what they are. But I guess I let the cat out of the bag since I'm blogging about it, but whatever!

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