Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Road Rage!

It's a good thing I don't have to commute to a job everyday, I may just loose my mind if I did. And yes Ryan, I know you spend nearly two hours of commute time handle it well! I had to drive North, up to Lindon to the Animal Shelter to get Etta's licence. When I got there I found out I had to get it at the Spanish Fork Shelter because I live in Provo...great. Back on the freeway and go all the way South, past my house, to Spanish Fork. Good thing gas prices are going down!

Pet Peeves while driving:

-Huge 18 wheelers in the left lane...I can't stand that! Plus, they are always going about 85 mph. In CA all 18 wheelers and trucks with trailers HAD to stay in the right lane and they have a 55mph speed limit. I know CA has its issues, but that is one law I agree with!

-What's up with people not obeying work zone speed limits?!! Maybe I'm extra cautious since I just got a speeding ticket, who knows. But people are going like 90 mph through a 55!!

-Tailgaters...No matter how close you get to my bumper, I will not speed up! In fact, I'm more compelled to slow down just to irritate you.

-Stopping at traffic circles, when no cars are coming. You YIELD!!!

-People that don't get out of the right lane when you are trying to merge onto a freeway. You end up having a near drag race fighting for the lane! MOVE OVER! I'll fight you, and I will win!

-People that break (for no apparent reason) when they are changing lanes. Don't do that...that just makes everyone else have to break and then result in a traffic jam.

OK, I better stop. I can complain about everyone elses driving because I'm a perfect driver! Ryan, be quite!

1 comment:

  1. And there's the people who swing to the LEFT and brake hard when making a RIGHT hand turn causing the person behind them to nearly rear-end them.

    And doesn't it seem that everyone driving in front of you moves twice as slow when you're in a hurry?

    I had my fair share of road rage yesterday. The valley seems to be getting more crowded with imbeciles.
