Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tag...I'm It!

I've been tagged by a fellow blogger!

Eight Various Things About Me

My eight favorite TV shows:

Well, we spend most nights flipping through channels, the never ending search for a good show. But if I had to choose I would say, in no particular order:

1. Dr. 90210, however I don't actually watch the surgery part...that grosses me out!

2. Jon and Kate plus Eight. It makes my day not seem so bad.

3. House Hunters. Ryan hates this show, but I love seeing inside other houses, and what you can get all over the country.

4. Oprah. Say what you want about being a stereotypical housewife, but I love her show.

5. Any cooking show on the Food Network by Paula Dean, Giada, or Rachel Ray.

Okay, eight is really hard...that's all I've got.

Eight things I did yesterday:

1. Took Haley to preschool

2. Costco run

3. Laundry

4. Fold laundry

5. More laundry

6. Folded more laundry (I know this is very exciting to you)

7. Made butternut squash ravioli for dinner, but no one liked it. It did have kind of a funny flavor...too sweet I think.

8. Blogged...of course.

Eight things I look forward to:

1. Having a family dinner conversation without children spilling a drink, dropping food on the floor, interrupting, getting up and down from the table, screaming...yadda, yadda, yadda.

2. Going skiing and sledding.

3. The day Etta is trained and is a perfectly behaved dog.

4. The day Haley and Morgan are trained and are perfectly behaved children.

5. The day Ryan is trained and is a perfectly behaved husband.

6. Thanksgiving and Christmas

7. Holiday food

8. Warm weather again.

Eight favorite restaurants:

1. Burger Supreme, you can't beat having the family eat for under 12 dollars!!

2. Great Harvest. The Cinnamon Burst bread makes the best French Toast!!

3. Blackboard Bistro in Seal Beach, CA. They have the best breakfast!

4. Pizza Picasso's in Sedona...we look forward to it every year!

5. Einstein's Bagels. This time of the year they make the pumpkin bagel with pumpkin smear...YUM!

6. BYU Creamery...hands down, the best ice cream on the PLANET!!

7. California Pizza Kitchen.

8. PF Chang's

Eight things on my wish list:

1. Side-by-side refrigerator with a ice and drink dispenser...ahhh, so lovely!

2. Soft fluffy carpet for our living room.

3. A pair of jeans that fit properly! I'm tired of the dreaded flat butt! Give me curves!!!

4. Shoes, shoes and more shoes!

5. A weekend getaway...just Ryan and me!

6. Boob job...hey, a girl can dream! Although that would go nicely with our weekend getaway!

7. Big SUV

8. Big Home

Eight people to tag:

1. Ryan...might as well.

2. Beth

3. and 4. Jrad and Sleevie...maybe they will finally post something!!

5. Megan

6. The Mop...I just wanted to see if he'd actually do it.

7. Jill

8. The two Jennifers

Whew...I'm glad that was done! That was harder then I thought it was going to be!


  1. So, does that mean that I am supposed to make a list on my blog? I'm not familiar with this whole tagging thing. You Utah'ans are so sophisticated with your online vocabularies and tagging interactions.

  2. You got it...just answer the same questions on your blog.
