Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everyone! We have two excited little girls over here, who can't wait for tonight. Haley was our wake up call at 5:45 this morning, she wanted to go trick-or-treating first thing, then daddy can go to work. Hey, it is dark outside, I can understand her thinking!

Haley already had a dress rehearsal yesterday for her costume. All the kids came dressed up at her Preschool. I even curled her hair! She stood very patiently while I did it...I know, very surprising since she never can stand still for anything! And sure enough, as I was walking her in the building a lady coming out says, "Oh, what a pretty princess you are!". Haley immediately replies back, "No, I'm not a princess, I'm Fancy Nancy.". Good job Haley! I'm sure she'll be saying that phrase a lot tonight!

I also want to give a shout out to my mom. After five weeks, today is her last and final day of radiation!!! She's had to drive into LA everyday (with the help of my grandparents...thanks, you both are wonderful!). And if anyone knows S. CA freeways, you know that they're no fun, especially when you are feeling at your worst. It's very exciting that this stage is over! She has been enduring so much these last several months, and I'm just so proud of her, and inspired by her strength. She still has a few months left of chemo, but she's at the half way mark now!!

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