Thursday, October 9, 2008

So Far So Good!

Ryan's been gone for three days so far and I haven't completely gone nuts yet! Woo hoo!! We've been running around constantly so I guess I really haven't gotten the chance.

Haley has been quite the social butterfly this week. Yesterday we spent a good chunk of the morning at our neighbors. Megan has two little girls about the same ages as my girls. So they can play while us moms got a chance to chat, gotta love that! Then that afternoon, another friend from down the street invited Haley over to her house to play. Pretty nice for me! I love how Haley is getting old enough to do more things away from me. Wait, that sounded bad! You know what I mean! Then, today she went over to another friends! So Morgan and I have been having some quality time together.

Ryan has been able to rent a surf board while in Hawaii. However, he ended up getting a pretty bad cut on his leg from lava rocks under the water. I guess he was looking pretty gory walking back to his hotel with blood pooling up in his shoe. He must have been a sight to see! That certainly hasn't stopped him from going out and giving it another try. I just kept saying "Please be careful!!". Gosh, that just sounds horrible to me, surfing with jagged lava rock under you...NO THANKS!! Anyway, I'm sure he'll blog all about when he gets a chance. I just hope he comes back in one piece!

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