Friday, October 10, 2008

Sick kid, and Ryan gone...Waaa!

Imagine the following in a VERY irritating, slow, whiny voice:

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..." That would be Morgan. I could even be holding her in my arms and she still does that. "What?!! I'm right here!!". I guess that's what happens when a kid has a cold, nothing really makes them happy. Poor thing is coughing the majority of the night, and I'm back and forth checking on her. She never cries for me to get her or anything, I just want to make sure she's still breathing. Luckily, it doesn't phase Haley a bit, she can sleep through anything these days. In the evenings when the girls are in bed I bring Etta in the house for a little while. She has discovered that she can push the girls' door open (it doesn't latch properly). Anyway, so she pushes it opened and races into their room straight to Haley's bed. By the time I get in there Etta is on top of Haley licking her face. Never once (and it's happened on several occasions) has Haley reacted from it...she's out like light!! And of course I'm clapping my hands and yelling, "ETTA, NOOO...NOOO!". Both kids sleep right through that's good. Although, I have recently been using a shaker (a little Rubbermaid bowl with a lid filled with pennies) to help train Etta in the house. I really don't want her going in any of the rooms or the living room, basically all carpet is off limits. So when she goes onto the carpet I shake this thing...boy oh boy does that get her attention!! She hates that thing. I don't even have to shake it anymore, I just put my hand on it now and she goes running for her bed. I have heard of this method through training courses. I remember we used it with Cassidy and it worked like a charm.

I'm really, really anxious for Ryan to get home. He had to hear a bit of my ranting on the phone this morning...sorry Ry, I'm OK now. It's just hard when he's in (of all places) HAWAII, going surfing every morning and evening! Yes, he does work in the day, but he has a lot of time for fun too. I mean come on, I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me...of course it bothers me!!! However, I do also know how hard he works, so he certainly deserves it! He'll just owe me for the rest of his life!!


  1. Young kids with colds are the worst! They are not sick enough to just lay on the couch all day, but they don't fell well enough to be in good spirits. Parker is just coming out on the other side of the brutal cold he's had, but he's still pretty darn cranky compared to his usual laid-back self. I feel for you, home alone with a cranky child!

  2. You are totally right. It is 100% unfair that I am in Hawaii by myself and you are home with the girls.
