Monday, October 13, 2008

Computers are a pain!

Let's see...where do I start? Maybe with the negative stuff...

So yesterday I go to turn my computer on (the exact same way I do every morning!) and something goes wrong, I get impatient and start pushing buttons. Well, turns out I pushed a button that apparently resets my computer. I don't know computer stuff so I don't have any idea the terminology, but in any case I end up loosing EVERYTHING that was saved to the hard drive! Yes, EVERYTHING!!!! I was so say the least. Luckily, most of my pictures I had already saved to a disk, but everything else is gone. So now I'm left with the task of trying to figure out how to get back our Microsoft Office, and Norton security and to reinstall the printer stuff. AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!! It's just so frustrating, especially for me, who clueless with computers!! So I had a "moment of rage" yesterday morning...not fun! I'm still trying to recover.

In better news...I bought myself a new vacuum!!! A Dyson Animal!!!! I'm just so super excited about this vacuum. I've been wanting a new one for so long now. Our old one we've had since we've been married, it's been across the country a couple of times. The poor thing has been held together with a shoe lace. One day when I was using it the compartment that holds the bag broke (I very well may have kicked it or something, I don't remember) so I guess a shoelace was the only thing nearby to hold the bag in place. Anyway, I have been "cleaning" my house with that stupid vacuum long enough!!

Something else that I wanted to blog about...

It took about a week for Haley to realize that Cassidy was gone. She asked where she was, and I explained that she's in heaven with her Heavenly Father and Jesus. And Haley asked if they had toys for her and bones to chew. I said yes, and that she had other dogs to play with. She was glad that she Cassidy was having fun. Then just a couple of days ago as we're driving around she says, "Mommy, how long is Cassidy going to stay with Jesus?" I tell her that she's going to stay there from now on, and that she's happy there. Well, Haley just starts breaking down in tears, "No, we have to go pick her up. She lives with us! We need Etta and Cassidy together!!". That just broke my heart! Now, every so often she'll bring it up out of the blue and start crying...I just feel so bad.

I hate to end the post with a sad story, but I guess that's just how it goes. You can go back up and read the paragraph about my wonderful vacuum again if you need to...


  1. To keep on the positive side, any vacuum known as "the animal" is alright with me.

  2. We have a dyson - pretty sweet. If you have computer questions, you should call Chad... I'm sure he'd be happy to help.
