Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cross race melt down

So I've been thinking about this last weekend and feel the need to post about my "crazy mama moment" at Saturday's cross race. Maybe because I'm embarrassed...I'm afraid that someone that reads my blog saw me loose control. It was one of those moments that you can feel yourself becoming more unraveled but there is nothing you can do about it. I became completely oblivious to everyone around me...and most likely drawing their own conclusions. But hopefully not...I'm sure everyone was too busy watching the cross race then to notice the frantic crazy lady with her hyper puppy and two children that refused to walk in the same direction that she was!

Let me explain. So I went with Ryan to the cross race thinking it would be a fun family activity...WRONG! I brought Etta with, which was my big mistake. I can't handle a dog (hyper puppy that is) and two children by myself. Etta went every which way so I tripped over her every few feet. Plus, the girls were obsessed with all the other dogs...so every time I turned around they were completely out of sight and I had to go hunt them down. Every time I found them around someone elses dog. Finally, Morgan decided it would be funny to hide out under the bleachers. I normally wouldn't care, but the bleachers were right along the finishing strip of the race and I was scared that she would jump out in front of a racer. So that resulted in me screaming for her to come out. These are the moments that you just hope so badly that they listen since there are tons of these people around. But it never works that way, huh? So I continue to scream at her all the while holding onto Haley (I think I might have been holding her jacket hood) and of course Etta is getting tangled in my legs. Yeah, I'm sure I was looking pretty unraveled at that point. Morgan just sat under there smiling at me with a little smirk. Ooohh, the NERVE!!! So finally, I got her out and dragged them both to the car with Etta practically being strangled as I dragged her too. Put them all in the car and left the race!! Don't worry, I went back to pick up Ryan, but I just had to get out of there! So as I drove away I thought how crazy I must have looked to everyone around me and then got really embarrassed about it. And this point I never want to go to another cross race again. Not really, I'll give it another go...but this time I may leave Etta home. So anyway, please don't judge me...I'm really a perfect mother, honest!

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