Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And so it begins.

We woke up to snow this morning, and it was still coming down pretty hard when Ryan left for work! He has to drive to work with a big coat, snow gloves, and beanie to try to keep warm...two windows don't zip up anymore in the Wrangler. So I'm sure his drive was not only long, but chilly! And of course Haley was up with us (because she never sleeps) running around the house yelling out, "It's snowing, it's snowing!!!!". She has already asked when we're buying our Christmas tree. One Holiday at a time Holiday at a time!!!

Haley and Morgan couldn't wait to get outside! Not me...I need time to get used to this cold weather before I can just jump out there, I may freeze to death! I mean wasn't it about 80 degrees just last week!!! My girls are true Utahns, cold doesn't seem to phase them! Ryan must have passed on some toughness in that area, because it certainly didn't come from me...I don't like being cold. And it seems in the Winter I'm always cold! My hands, feet and nose are always freezing. The worst is trying to get dressed in the morning without my hands ever touching my skin, yikes, it's like ice touching me! Just ask Ryan, I've nearly punched him when he tries to touch my stomach, back, or neck with his cold bare hands! It's just a reflex, I have no control of my actions when he does that. So watch out!! My mom is the exact same way. The doctor was telling her all the side-effects she would have as she goes through her chemo. One was a sensitivity to the cold! She's like, "But, I'm already super sensitive to the cold!!". So if you happen to be in the Long Beach area during the Winter season and you see some lady wearing a huge puffy jacket, snow boots, scarf, gloves, and a beanie...don't worry, it's not a crazy homeless lady, it's just my mom trying to keep warm!

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