Thursday, November 6, 2008

Preschool and Primary

Haley got her preschool picture today. I know it's small, but I don't know how to enlarge scans, or any picture for that matter, so you're gonna have to just deal with it! She doesn't look very happy in the fact she's the only one not smiling! But hey, at least she's looking at the camera, and more importantly she's not making some kind of silly face, which was my fear. Our Primary program is coming up in a couple of weeks for church. For those not familiar, every year the entire primary (all kids ages 3-11) spend the first hour singing the songs they learned that year. Also every child has a speaking part. Anyway, this will be Haley's first year participating in it! I'll actually be up there with all the kids since I teach the 8 year old class. I just hope, hope, hope they don't make the teachers sing!! Last year we had to, and if you aren't aware, I can't sing nor do I like even trying! Unless of course I'm in my car alone where I can really rock out! I come from a family of non it's not completely my fault. But hopefully Haley changes all that, because she LOVES to sing, and sings all the time! In fact, I've heard her singing the primary songs recently around the house! It's pretty cute! There's only one song that I'm not that fond of (I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this one!). It's a beautiful song, but a few lines I'm just not crazy about.

"Home is where there's Father. Strong and wise and true.
Home is where there's Mother and all the children too."

Say What?!! I'm sure all the dads love this song. They all sit there and nod there heads..."Yep, that's right...strong, wise? Yes and yes." We're not just baby makers people!! We have an important role around here too!! Anyway...enough of that.

Something about seeing all those kids up there singing, it just gives chills. And this year my kid is in it!! Hopefully, I don't start crying or anything!! Women do have a tendency to burst into tears while standing at the podium, and I'll be sitting pretty close to it during the program so I'll try to control myself!

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