Friday, November 7, 2008

What to do...what to do?

Ryan suggested that I race cross on Saturday. He's even posted some pictures of me racing back in the day to try to motivate me. Of course at first I thought there's NO WAY I'm going to race cross...I'm terrible at it! But then, I do have a lot of fun mountain biking...hmmm, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. So we'll see.


  1. At least you have mountain biking experiece. That puts you leaps and bounds ahead of me when it comes to thinking about racing cx.

    I'll bet you'll have a lot of fun! I have yet to meet someone who has raced cx and not fallen in love with it.

    I'll have to wait until later to find out for myself...I'll be watching for your race report. Have fun!

  2. I think it would be good for Ryan to spend that time with the girls, and you would be providing an even better Roll model for them, in regard to what things they can do in life.

    Seems like a no brainer to me.

  3. I guess my decision is made then...wish me luck!
