Saturday, November 8, 2008

I survived!!

Not only did I survive, but I had a lot of fun racing cross! Luckily the weather was very pleasant...maybe a little on the chilly side but at least sunny! I had to borrow Ryan's gloves because I forgot to bring some and my leg warmers were constantly falling down (I may need to update my Winter gear). Other then that, I think I fit in pretty well...I mean the whole idea is look fast, right? I was hoping people would be like, "Who's that new women?"..."She looks fast!". Then after the race starts they find out how bad you suck!! Oh, and I was on a mountain bike (most people had cross bikes).

I want to explain why all my photos are blurry. My camera is a piece of crap, there! So anyway, this is me right after the race. My race was a whopping 20 minutes, that was two laps around the course, which was perfect for me! Any longer and I might have started hating it. They end the race when you're still having a blast, so then when you finish you're thinking, "Wow, that was fun! I want to do it again!". I think they do that on purpose. The course had three barriers in a row we had to jump over. Unfortunately, this is where I got passed by everyone. I have no idea how to dismount properly so I of course lose a lot of time. I have to roll up to the barrier, stop, get off, run over the barriers, stop, swing my leg over and start off again. I know...nerd!! Then, there was another barrier to jump over before we had to run up a huge hill that was basically made of mud, all the while carrying your bike. But I had to so much fun! I ended up getting fifth out of six women...hey, not bad, right?! So we'll see about Wheeler Farm (that's where the next cross race is).

My girls had a blast playing in the mud, it's probably their most favorite thing to do! These pictures are of them making "Pat-a-Cakes". It kept them busy for quite a while. Mmmm, they look scrumptious!

After playing in the mud they spent the remainder of the day picking dandelions. Two other little girls joined in with them, but they were very reluctant at first. They stared Haley and Morgan in complete horror because of how dirty they were. These two girls were as clean as a whistle! How is that possible with mud everywhere?!!! Impressive! So anyway those two girls finally decided that they were dirty, but not dirty enough to pass up playing together.


  1. Yay, Kelly! You did it!

    I think your race report has convinced me to try it too. I'm pretty sure I can out-dork you at cx. :)

    Let me know if you'd like to get together and practice your skillz this week.

  2. Hey, Kelly,

    You don't look dirty enough to have just finished the race. You're going to have to take lessons from Haley and Morgan!
