Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Totally Bummed!

So sorry to let all my fans down...but I won't be able to race at Wheeler Farm this Saturday. I know, I know, I'm sure all of you are super upset right now...but don't worry I'll try to come out again sometime. But that will be hard for me because it's only getting colder, and you all know how much I dislike being cold. I may have to race in snow pants, a puffy jacket and maybe even snow boots, but I'll be back!! I'm really bummed about it because Rio's Rider is planning on racing this weekend! I'm totally going to miss out! But we'll see...I've been known to change plans very last second, so you never know, maybe I will show up!

Haley has her Primary program practice Saturday from 10-12. And because I'm a teacher for another class it's pretty important that I be there too. Plus, Haley NEEDS the practice!! She mumbles her line in the microphone, so we really need to work on that! And when I say mumble...I mean mumble!! You can't understand a word she says! Oh, and then I found out on Sunday that the teachers are going to sing!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!! I don't want to give away the program (there may be people from church that read this) but I will say the teachers will be front and center, STANDING in the AISLE singing!!! So I really can't fake it this time! At least the song is one of my favorites...although I still don't know all the words to it. This will be me,

"Called to serve Him. Heavenly King of glory,

bla bla bla bla...witness for His name.

Far and wide...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

Far and wide His love proclaim."

OK, hopefully not! Just for the record (and for all my non LDS readers) there are more words to this song, this is only the first verse. But in any case, I better start practicing so I don't look like a complete idiot standing there.

So I decided to change my layout, but I'm not sure about his one. It takes forever to come up on the screen...that bugs me! But I was pretty tired of the old one...it was kinda boring.

1 comment:

  1. As your #1 fan, I find this development highly dissapointing.
