Wednesday, November 12, 2008 little grump!

I'm having the hardest time finding a layout that I like. I really liked the last one I had from "cutest blog on the block", but it took way too long to come up every I had to pull it. How do other people create such cute blog layouts?! I want to know! So anyway, I'll probably keep messing around with'll just have to put up with me!

So today did not start out well. I feel bad for Jeff because he witnesses all my "moments of rage". Luckily, he's an easy going kinda guy and really could care less that I'm storming around the house ranting. My girls are constantly fighting...what's up with that?! Please, please, I hope they grow out of it. I hope it's just Morgan's age...she's in the "terrible two's" and believe me, she fits the bill as she is grumpy most of the time. Her favorite phrase right now is "NO WAY!". She says it for everything! Even when someone smiles at her and says hello at the grocery store, she gives them a grumpy look and says, "NO WAY!". It's quite embarrassing! The other day I wanted her to say sorry to Jeff because of something she did, so I had her stay in her room until she did. I would check on her every few minutes to ask, "Are you ready to say sorry." Her response, "NO WAY!". There was even one point she was standing in the hallway right outside her room crying to come out. I say, "Your choice is to say sorry and come out, or go back to your room." She stood there for a few seconds thinking it over and then she turned around went into her room and shut the door. She stayed in there for about an hour until she finally gave in and said sorry. I really thought she was going to be my easy going child, but I was wrong...she's as stubborn as they come!

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