Friday, November 14, 2008

Rambling today

Well, these last two days have been a bit nerve racking. They are making some big changes at Ryan's work and to make a long story short...a lot of people are without jobs right now. Thank goodness Ryan is not one of them! But we weren't sure what was happening for a while, but I think I'm safe, and I can finally take a breath! This is such a bad time right now for the economy, and I can't help feeling so bad for all those families who are scrambling now to find work. Timing could not have been worse with the Holidays approaching. I have not been shy when it comes to complaining about Ryan's hours...12 hour days are not ideal!! We never really see him during the week!! But I guess I'll zip it and just be thankful he has a job!! So, no more complaining...for today anyway!

In other news, I got my haircut yesterday. I'm not super crazy about it. I hate when that have visual of what you think it will look like, but when you leave it's not at all what you expected! Oh well, I think I'm calling it quits with short hair. I'm growing it out starting today!

Warning: This is kind of a gross story...

At Costco when I'm done actually shopping I like to meander through the book isle before checking out (I'm in need of a new book to read). Anyway, so Morgan is sitting in the shopping cart and Haley is beside me, I wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing. Anyway, I'm reading about some book when I notice a lady talking to Haley. She's like "Oh, honey, I don't think that's a good idea!". So I look down and I see Haley slapping her hands in a puddle of something on the floor. So of course I pull her away from it. I'm all confused as to where this mysterious puddle came from, because it wasn't there moments earlier. I look all over the cart thinking something must have broke open. Nope. Then I notice that Morgan is sitting in a little puddle and her pants are soaking wet. So yes, apparently Morgan's diaper was already full and then she peed again leaking it all over the seat onto the floor where Haley decided to start splashing in it. EEEEWWWWWW!!!!! No one around me actually saw me discover Morgan's wet seat, so I pretended it came from her sippy cup and got out of there. Kids are so gross!!

Oh, and by the way...I'm racing tomorrow!

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