Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday Cross Race

So I was able to race after all. A big huge thanks to Jennifer and the whole Primary presidency for all they did to prepare for Sunday's program...they are awesome! The program was wonderful, I thought everyone did a super job. Haley said her line in the microphone, no mumbling!! Yeah, Haley!!

So I felt pretty good Saturday and I really liked the course this time! There was a lot of single track and it was way more technical. I only almost biffed it once...not bad! I even practiced dismounting before the race and I think I've got it if I only knew how to get back on the bike fast. Anyway, it's pretty fun seeing Ryan and the girls cheering for me when I go by. It would be so neat if the girls got into this...they love mud after all, so they've got that going for them!

I took these pictures from Rio's Rider. I have no idea why they are so small, maybe you can click on them to get them bigger. Just check her blog to see them full size, she has a way better race report anyway. This is Ryan mixing it up in the A's race.

Rio's Rider right behind me...she was coming for me!

This picture kills me...what's up with my baggy leg warmers?! Nerd alert!!

Here I am jumping the's way steeper in real life, honest!

I don't know....but.....I think I'm starting to like this stuff!

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