Friday, December 19, 2008

"Frosted the Snowman...

was a very jolly snow!" That's how Haley likes to sing it!

I have the radio in their room set to a Christmas station, and I have it on pretty much all day. Just today I was changing Morgan in their room singing along to some random Christmas song, and I'm almost positive Morgan said, "Stop it Mommy, stop singing." I was like, "Did you just tell me to stop singing?". Her reply, "Yes". Great, I already embarrass my two year old daughter! That reminds me of when my brother, Jeff, was little, and when my mom would sing he would cover her mouth with his hand. So, as you can see we are not singers in this family! Our own children don't even want to hear us!

Today is a cold, snowy day...a sweatsuit day, as I like to call them. In fact, it's not only a sweatsuit day, it's a no make-up, hair not done day. I'm gonna be a real prize for Ryan when he gets home from work! Well, he may not have a hot wife today, but he'll have frosted, sprinkled sugar cookies waiting for him!!

1 comment:

  1. Whatev... You are smokin' hot regardless.
    PS- I frosted a snowman once... He was pissed!
