Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finally feeling the Spirit!

We had quite the snow storm this morning. It makes me very thankful we decided to keep the Jeep...the 4-wheel drive was a necessity as I took Haley to her Preschool Christmas program. It was one of those mornings you just want to hunker down with a certain nice hot drink (ah-em) and not do a thing! But, the show must go on!! In snow and everything! And we made it in perfect time! Haley did a super job! It took a while for her to finally find me in the crowd (it was stadium seating so it was a little easier for her to spot me), but when she did she had to hugest grin. And of course we did little cutesy waves to each other, back and forth...ah, just brings tears to my eyes! She got to dress up like a reindeer for the song Rudolf the Red Nose cute!

After lunch the girls played in the snow while I got a pretty good workout shoveling the drive and walkway...gotta say, I do enjoy a little shoveling every now and then! With the snow in the morning and a bit of baking in the afternoon, I would say I'm getting into the Christmas spirit! It's about time! Winter hit us fast this year, that's for sure! With all the grumbling I do about the snow, deep down I do love this season. We have the big pile of snow stuff by the front door to prove that Winter is indeed here: boots, jackets, snow pants, gloves, hats, all sitting in a big puddle of water. Yep, they'll be there for the next few months so I better get used to it!

In other news, Jeffy flew out this morning back to the LBC for Christmas. And I know I'll be seeing him next week, but I gotta say, I miss the guy!

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