Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The big huge Penguin

A while back Haley was looking through some toy catalog. I told her to tell me if she finds something she wants for Christmas. Well, on the very last page they had a picture of a stuffed penguin which happened to be about two feet tall, and that is what she said she wanted. Well, I figured she would forget about it and move on to other things...because quite frankly, I do not want anymore stuffed animals in this house! Well, I was wrong! She hasn't stopped talking about that penguin since! So today, I gave in, and bought a pretty comparable penguin from the one she saw in the catalog. I can't believe we're going to haul a big huge penguin all the way to California for Christmas morning, just to haul it all the way back to Provo! Yes, I know, we have to do that with all their toys, but it just seems weird with a big huge penguin. She better love it!
This is not the actual penguin...but hers will be very similar.


  1. We can put it on my bike on top of the car. This will solve the space issue, while also looking really funny. Plus, it's a penguin and the cold won't bother it.

  2. We'll have to put a bag over it though so Haley doesn't see it.

  3. I can't wait to see this stuffed animal carted all around the way the purple unicorn is!

  4. I have thought of that...lets hope it doesn't get to that!
