Monday, December 15, 2008

Sneak Peek Picture

So I've been tagged by Megan, and of course I never say no to a tag...well, haven't yet anyway! The idea of this one is to post your eighth photo in your eighth folder on your computer. I think that's what she was trying to say. Well, recently my computer lost all files that I had saved (I know, bummer). So I don't have eight folders of pictures anymore, I only have four saved so far. So, I posted the eighth photo in my fourth folder. And this is it...I know, pretty thrilling. This is actually a reject from our Christmas photos this year. Etta was not cooperating in this photo, actually neither were the girls for that matter. The whole process of getting a good picture was extremely frustrating. It's funny when you see family pictures...everyone looks so happy and loving, but you know half the time everyone is sick of each other by the time that photo was taken. Or maybe that's just my family.

This is about the majority of what I said while we took our pictures:
"Haley...LOOK AT THE CAMERA!!!!!"
"Morgan, SMILE!"
"I'll give you some candy if just please cooperate!"

So I know I have a smile in this picture, but I was probably ready to scrap the whole thing at that moment! If we didn't have a picture for every year we've been married, I probably would have...but I can't break tradition! So anyway, here's a sneak peek at our yearly Christmas picture. Enjoy!

I'm not going to tag anyone else. Last time I tagged people The Mop was the only one who played...funny, because he was the one person that I thought wouldn't. He proved me wrong! Anyway, if you're reading this and want to play...knock yourself out! I always love pictures!

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