Friday, December 12, 2008

My dentist visit...grumble, grumble.

I left Jeffy in charge of the girls while I went to my dentist appointment this morning. I had to leave around 9:15 and Jeff wasn't up for the day yet. So I had to drag him out of bed to hopefully keep an eye on the girls. He didn't have class today, so he was trying to take advantage of some extra zzz's...lucky him, he got to watch my kids instead!

Have I mentioned that I HATE going to the dentist? Well, I do! Very much!! I hate the scraping part I think worst of all. It's like nails on a chalk board to me!! I hate how your spit pools up in your mouth and then when they take the scraper tool out a big string of spit follows. I hate when they spray the water and it goes all over, drenching your entire face. Or how the toothpaste stuff flies out of your mouth, and later you find crusty dried up paste on you skin or in your hair. Today they "painted" my teeth with this type of fluoride that supposed to stay on your teeth for the entire day. The tech lady was like, "It's going to feel really slimy and funky, but you can eat and drink normally, just brush it off before you go to bed." OK, that stuff is AWFUL! It feels like you constantly have food in your teeth, and it looks like there's chalk all over in your mouth...GROSS! Plus, it has this fruity flavor that stays in mouth (even if you eat something) it just made me sick to my stomach. The lady said the fluoride stays "active" for 6 hours...well, I lasted about 30 minutes. I tried, but failed. So anyway, bottom line: I HATE the dentist! Too bad to, because everyone is so nice in that office.

The good news: No Cavities...yeah, for me!

And let me just add, Jeffy isn't too bad at watching the kids. When I walked in he was helping Haley get her coat on to go outside (granted, he let her put flip-flops on in 30 degree weather, but whatever). And he even made them eggs for breakfast! We'll forget the fact that he served them on little plastic lids, instead of actual plates, but they do look an awful lot like plastic plates in his defense. A job well done! It's kinda nice having him around!


  1. LOVE the new Xmas songs... I was reading your blog and wondering why I suddenly felt so in the Xmas spirit.

  2. Thanks...I'm trying to get into the spirit!
