Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Shopping

I went out last night for some evening Christmas shopping. I waited until Ryan got home so I could go without the kids....Hallelujah! The only real bad thing is that I'm so super tired by that time, the last thing I wanted to do was get in the car and go to some crowded store! But I sucked it up, went out into the bitter cold and shopped for a few hours. Those kids better appreciate what I'm doing for them!! Unfortunately, when I got home I realized that one of the things I bought for Morgan was opened and some items fell out...great, just what I need! So I had to go back today to exchange it with Morgan in tow (did I mention the gift was for her). Luckily, I don't think she noticed what I was doing, and I did a pretty good job at covering the toy. Then I did some more shopping at the Disney Store...again with Morgan (Haley was in preschool). So anyway, I would see something I wanted to get for the girls and then I would tuck it behind the register when Morgan wasn't looking. I did this constantly for a good 30 minutes. After a while I had quite the pile of goods behind the register. I'm sure the workers are used to that...there isn't really any other way when you have a kid with you. I would say it was a successful morning.

The girls made a Gingerbread House this afternoon. Gotta love these kits they sell can't get any easier!!


  1. How did you get them both to smile and to look generally in the direction of a camera?

  2. Jeffy was behind me making funny faces.

  3. You mean funnier than his normal face?

