Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Goofy Girls

Some of you may know that I've had to send my camera in to get repairs on more then one occasion. And every time I bring it in they always ask, "Do you know if the camera was ever dropped?" (as they look over at my two children). Of course I never rule them out, because they very well may have when I wasn't looking. But this time I caught someone red handed!

If you are not sure...those are Morgan's little toes. And I did NOT take this picture! Mystery solved! I was wondering why she tucked herself in a corner and was saying "CHEESE" constantly...now I know what she was up to!

My girls love "getting dressed" by themselves, they always come out of the bedroom in something weird! These are a couple of their latest fashions.

Haley picked out some Valentine pants, good choice for December. And yes, those are Haley's panties that Morgan decided to wear on the outside of her PJ's. I think she was going for the super hero look. Her favorite plate right now does happen to have Spider Man on it...a gift from her boy cousin.

They got into the Winter bin with all the scarfs and mittens the other day, so this is what they came up with. I want to point out the princess tiara that Morgan put on top of the Winter hat...too cute!
It's never a dull day around here!

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