Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's December...

where is my Christmas spirit?! Usually I love this time of year, but these past few days I'm feeling anything but merry or jolly. In fact, if I read another happy, happy, everything's perfect family blog I may just hurl!! (No offense happy family blog people, you know I'll still read your blogs...I'm a glutton for punishment!)

It seems when bad or stressful things happen around here, they happen all at once...and this time it's happening during the so called "happiest" time of year! My poor Jeep Wrangler isn't doing so well and needs the engine replaced...swell. I've been calling around looking at prices, yadda, yadda, yadda. In the meantime I'm still driving it while it makes a clanking noise everywhere I go. The car guy said it's dohicky that's in the whatcha-ma-callit broke. (OK, he used the real words, but I can't remember everything). Anyway, so basically the poor Jeep will give out at any given moment. I feel like I'm driving in a ticking time bomb! And what exactly is going to happen when it does give out?! Will the car just stop in the middle of the road? Will the engine break up and then fall out of the bottom of the Jeep. Then I'll be standing on the side of the road like an idiot holding my children next to my broken up car while everyone drives past staring and pointing fingers at me..."Hey, look at that idiot!". OK, that hopefully won't happen, but you never know! So I've got to figure that out.

Then there are stresses with Ryan's work (yes, us wives also stress about our husbands jobs). I'm not going there, but lets just say it's hard times right now. There, I'm done!

So those things on top of other daily stresses is making me feel anything but in the Holiday mood. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet!! And quite frankly, I have no desire to! To be perfectly honest I haven't been the most fun mama lately. This morning was no picnic! Here it is, Polar Express Day at Preschool, it should be pretty easy morning since Haley gets to go to school in her PJ's. That saves like 30 minutes of getting ready time. But are we on time...NO! I'm still running around the house like a crazy lady! "Get into the car!!! GO, GO!" But it still seems my kids are always in slow motion where ever they go, at least when you need them to go fast. And by all means...Haley CAN'T be late on Polar Express Day!!!

Yes, I'm very thankful for my family, my wonderful husband, the roof over my head, my poor crappy jeep that makes a lot of noise...blah, blah, blah. But I'm entitled to have grumpy days, I'm entitled to get angry or stressed and write a post about it for the world to see! I'm entitled to be a scrooge right now and have the urge to punch the bell ringer in front of the grocery store! I know it won't last, and I'll come back to my happy go-lucky self! But in the may want to stay away from me!

1 comment:

  1. You are completely entitled to scrooge days! This makes me not feel so bad for my bad attitude.
