Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Update

I kind of went crazy with the pictures, and really there are so many more I wanted to post! But I resisted the urge, and left it with these.

Anyway, we got back from Sedona last night, after a fun filled week with the family! These pictures are way out of order...but whatever, just hang in there with me.

I was able to go mountain biking a bunch while we were there...I LOVED it!!! Ryan said my skills had improved since my cross racing action...maybe a little, but I definitely have a long way to go! Ryan's sister, Beth, and her husband, Chad, rented bikes and joined us for one of the rides. That was way fun!!! Thanks to Grandma for watching the kids!!

Let me just say how impressed every single hiker was with Ryan!! It seems that everyone we passed commented on his cross bike. "Wow, he's doing these trails on a cross bike?! That guy is CRAZY!" "Look at that guy...did you see how skinny his tires were?!!" I know...he's pretty awesome!

Here are the girls with Grandma and Grandpa. This was taken right before we headed out Sunday morning. Morgan refused to be in the picture at first...she was having one of her many grumpy episodes. Anyway, we finally coaxed her to come somewhat close to where they we standing and then she got down into her "don't touch me" squat position. So the three on them inched their way closer to her, trying really hard not to set her off (it worked)...hence the funny poses.

The day after Thanksgiving we went on a hike to Emerald Rock (I think that's right). And right before we turned around we discovered a tree swing! So of course all the kids (and some adults)and to take a swing before we headed back.

I love this picture with Ryan and the girls hiking because it's so typical of my girls. Ryan is hiking of the normal part of the trail and the girls take the alternate way, and of course it's the harder way. They always have to take the "other" route...for everything!

Sandy and Ken (that's grandma and grandpa) wanted to make a cover for their hot tub and had this brilliant idea to have the kids decorate it. So before the hike we spread out the tarp and the passed out fabric markers and the kids went to it! I think they really enjoyed it! Now Sandy and Ken can look at their master pieces all year long!!

This was the official kid table at Thanksgiving. All the cousins finally together...Parker, Haley, Brandon, Liam, Megan, and Morgan. Now that's a crew!!

Every year we take a picture of the four cousins on the couch in their PJs. And every year it seems to get more and more challenging to get them to cooperate...I guess that's what happens when you're trying to work with 4 and 2 year olds! So this is the best picture I got!

Grandma and the forty pound turkey!! OK, not really...but the thing was huge!!

Chad and Parker Peanut.

Beth and Brandon Bear.

And now that we're back I know it won't be long for our next adventure to Long Beach for Christmas...I love this time of year!!

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