Monday, December 22, 2008

It's Gonna be a White Christmas!

It has been snowing and snowing and snowing! It stopped just long enough for me to shovel the driveway, and then it started up again as soon as I finished. Now, as I'm typing this all my work is being covered by snow again...bummer. It sure is pretty though!
Haley loves playing in the snow! Morgan, however, doesn't have the endurance that Haley does. She starts out strong, but it doesn't take long for a glove to fall off making her hands cold or she gets stuck in deep snow and soon becomes frustrated. About every 5 minutes I have to go and rescue her or hunt down a lost glove, making the whole shoveling thing 10 times longer then it should. She finally gave it up and sat on the porch with her milk.

I just got Haley new gloves...they look huge! Now, I've got to get her some snow boots. She's been getting by with her yellow rain boots for the time being.

After snow chocolate of course!!

Morgan prefers the dipping method using her fingers...weird.


  1. It's not gonna be a white Christmas for us, baby! Maybe rainy, but I'll take that.

  2. OK, you're right...let me say that right, "It's Gonna be a White Christmas for everyone in Provo, but not for us, HA! HA! HA!"
