Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We Made It Home

It started snowing at the In-N-Out in St. George yesterday during our drive home. Yes, you read right...SNOW in ST. GEORGE!! So...we knew we were in trouble and the drive was pretty much doomed from that point on.

It was white-out conditions from St. George to the Cove Fort exit. For all my out of state readers, that's a long freakin way! As Ryan would say...we were all suffering from CSS (Can't See Sh-t) from all the snow.

I'm still recovering...maybe I'll do a real post tomorrow with pictures from Christmas.

Ugh...I miss Long Beach.


  1. Welcome home!

    I'm mourning my return to winter too.

    I can't believe I'm seeing empty seats in the background of that picture! When we were there last Friday/Saturday the place was overpacked. We had to eat outside.

  2. Glad you made it home safely. Hi to Morgan and Hailey! Oh and give the husband a big kiss for me.

  3. Regarding the empty seats- it was snowing in St. George... they are not exactly ready for that kind of situation.

  4. Plus it was around 3:30 or so...not a very common time to go out to eat.
