Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

This first picture is out of order, but whatever. It took me pretty much all evening just to download these onto Blogger...what's up with that?! So, I'm not doing any changes after all that! Anyway, so Long Beach was of course wonderful! The whole family was able to be there together which made it especially nice. Every year my mom, my grandma, and of course the girls go to Newport Fashion Island for a girls outing. Not that we do any shopping there, it's pretty much impossible with the girls. But we usually go out to lunch, and always, ALWAYS get an almond twist at Pain du Mond (I think I spelled that right). It's tradition...can't break tradition!

We also went to the beach a couple of times. Haley was dying to go! We told her it was too cold to swim, but of course that did not stop her. She and Morgan got drenched both times and loved every bit of it! Our car is still covered with sand.

I did quite a bit of riding too! I had to burn calories somehow, since I'll I did was eat, eat and eat some more!

Christmas morning! Haley found her Penguin, which she named Tra La La. If Christmas ended there she would have been a happy camper! Morgan found a new Piggy back (not sure where it is in the photo). She was pretty excited too, she broke hers a while back and has wanted a new one ever since.

This year my mom sewed the most amazing aprons for all us girls! I love them!

A couple of days after Christmas we all went to Lake Arrowhead for a few days of snow play. Yeah, not sure how I got talked into that! There was about three feet of snow waiting for us when we got there...that's the most I've seen ever there! So we of course did a lot of sledding!

Here's my dad and brother trying to clear the driveway...they did do it eventually!

I love this picture of my mom and I! My mom has lost most of her hair from her chemo treatments, the good news is that it has already started to grow back! But she wears the cutest hats and scarves...nobody would ever know she's been through four months of chemo (only two more months to go!). She looks great!

And here we all are!! The whole family together...including the dog! My parents on the left, my older brother, Matt and his wife Carrie, Ryan and I, and the girls, Jeff and his girlfriend Jenn, and Andrew and his girlfriend Nicole.


  1. Love the pictures, Kelly.

    Is your Mom wonder woman or what? She's going through treatment for cancer, yet she finds time and energy to hand make aprons for all of you lucky ladies?? I am SO impressed!!
