Friday, January 9, 2009

Completely Random


At what age do you have to be to not have to worry about pimples?! When I was in high school I always thought how at least when I'm older I won't have to deal with pimples anymore.
Wrong-O! I was just thinking about that because I'm getting two big ones right now on my face...ugh!

I also remember being younger, probably around 5 or 6 and being obsessed with the name Cindy...I know, weird! I thought Cindy sounded so mature. Now I just think of The Brady Bunch, and that Cindy was anything but mature. Wasn't that her name? I also remember putting paper clips on my finger tips to pretend I had long nails. (I think every little girl did this) I had this summer school teacher one year that had long nails. When she talked she would emphasis a lot with her hands and her nails would knock against each other making this really neat clicking sound. I was completely mesmerized by's really the only thing I remember of that summer! Anyway, I was so obsessed with the idea of getting older. Now that I'm older I'm not into long nails at all, I keep them short, always. Strange how that is.

I have no idea where I'm going with this post. Well, there you have it...Kelly's random thoughts for the day.

1 comment:

  1. lol...

    I totally want to go get some fake nails now, just to hear that clicking sound. But then I couldn't work on my bike very well.

    BTW - I have more pimples now than I ever had in high school.

    Also, FYI - I think you can catch Brady Bunch reruns on channel 11 at 5:30 pm. Cindy was annoying, wasn't she?
