Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Lesson

I put a lot of time and effort into picking out toys for the girls for Christmas. And now it seems about half of them have already broke somehow!! What's up with that?! These are not dollar store toys either...if they were I wouldn't be surprised at all. But these are toys that should last longer then two weeks!! My kids were not overly hard on them least not that I could see. One toy broke the same week as Christmas. It was a plastic potato for the game Hot Potato. Pretty cute, you had to wind it up and then it would make a buzzing sound when the time ran out. So I'm playing the game with the girls, having fun, when Haley (I think) dropped it. That was over. I'm really bummed about that toy because I bought the same thing for my sister-in-law's boys. So, Beth, hopefully yours is doing better then ours. Be cannot take impact very well. I also bought the girls a Hide-and-go-Seek Monkey. It comes with a little wand that beeps when you get close to where the monkey is hiding. I thought, perfect! A game they can play alone, no special help from mom. Well, the monkey's tail is already falling off!! Not that you need the tail for anything, but makes me mad none the less! And then just the other day Morgan pulled off one of the buttons to her little cash register! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! She came up to me holding the little button for me to see saying, "Me broke this button." Well, at least she was honest about it. So now it's just a waiting game...what's going to break next?! I should just stick to buying them My Little Ponies, they are pretty much indestructible. Well, OK, they're not completely indestructible...Etta did manage to chew off an ear on one pony. We'll work on keeping toys away from the dog!! So anyway, the lesson learned this Christmas: The girls are NOT ready for an American Girl doll!!! If I get all bent out of shape about 15 dollar cash register, what would I do about 100 dollar doll? It definitely wouldn't be good!


  1. Just so you know, our hot potato is still going strong after many, many drops on the floor.

  2. Well, I guess we just got a crap one. I'm glad yours still works.
