Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brings back the memories!

For the past week Jeff's girlfriend, Jenn, has been staying with us. Her Christmas break from San Diego State is practically the whole month of Jan. So she took a break from all that warm Southern California weather to spend some time in the arctic. They went skiing at Sundance a couple of times and did some sledding (which resulted in some major bruises). Jenn did an exuberant amount of baking...she has taken over the pastry chef role as that was my job growing up. So we have quite a bit of sweets in the house right now! And who is left eating it?! ME! Jenn has an amazing ability to make all the treats, but never eats is that possible?! I don't have that kind of discipline. Anyway, it's been a very nice visit with her and I've really enjoyed having her here...I'm sure Jeff would agree. Although, I'm sure he's itching to get back into his own bed rather then sofa surfing. For some reason he's not into the 6:30 wake up call from Haley running into the living room every morning.

Seeing these two together I'm reminded of Ryan and I back in the day. We were the same age as Jeff and Jenn are when we first met...crazy, it doesn't feel that long ago! I remember during my first week of college I was hanging out in someone's dorm (Brian's I believe) and meeting some of the other cyclists on the team. Of all the people in the room I remember seeing Ryan sitting on the floor next to his roomie Aaron. Who knew I would be married to him three years later!

I found some old photos of Ryan and I when we first were together. The top photo is after a couple of months dating. It was taken on Valentines Day...I believe we were on our way to the Symphony (I know...we're sooo sophisticated!). However, most likely our motive was to get extra credit points for our Humanities class. I'm 18 and Ryan's 19! As you can see the freshman 15 hit me hard!! UGH! And I believe the bottom photo is my second year in college.

Where have all the years gone?!!


  1. I would just like to add that I so clearly remember when Ryan first called and told me about you! I used to always call him for the updates. I also vividly remember when we talked on the phone about bridesmaid's dresses for your wedding... I don't think we'd even met yet?? Is that possible? It really does seem like just yesterday. OH! and I also have printouts of all the emails we exchanged when we were pregnant with Haley & Brandon... i had to print them out before I left my job or I would have lost them. Anyway, I should bring those suckers next time we get together - I bet they would be a riot now.

  2. Oh my...I remember those emails!!
