Friday, January 16, 2009

Future Speedskaters?

Today Ryan had off...yippee! So we decided to take the girls ice skating at Seven Peaks for a little family fun. Luckily they had the little metal supports that the girls could push around, otherwise we would have been worn out trying to keep them both upright! Haley started out a little apprehensive about the whole thing, but warmed up to it very quickly! It didn't take long for her to start zipping around the rink. We have to work on direction a little as she didn't really grasp the concept of going only one way, and continuing in a circle. She would zig-zag here and there and she constantly went into the center of the rink where all the figure skaters do their special twirls. That has always been a pet peeve of mine....those figure skaters that take up the entire center circle and the mean looking coach that's working with them. And the way they twirl and jump, their blades of their skates coming inches away from some poor innocent child's head (Haley). OK, I may be exaggerating...but just a little!
Here's Haley ripping it up!
This picture cracks me up because you can see Ryan in the background trying to coax Morgan to use the support thing.

This is how Morgan started...all smiles, and loving it. After a few laps, it quickly turned to the below picture. Future speedskater? Hmmmm....maybe not yet.

It felt good to get out on the ice. I had to hunt down my old speedskates. Unfortunately, they were pretty badly rusted, and I don't have the tools to fix them up. So I used my long track speedskates which were in much better shape. Ryan used an old pair of hockey skates he had. So together we saved a whopping 3 dollars on skate rentals...yeah!
Skating around brought back a lot of memories of growing up as kid and racing short track. I needed my dad there so we could start pace lining around the rink! Gosh, I've been feeling very nostalgic lately! Ahhh, good times!

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