Monday, January 19, 2009

My rambles for the day.

Friday night Haley went to a good friend's Luau themed birthday party. So the day before we went out to get her outfit. But everything costs me twice as much since I had to get the same thing for Morgan. As I picked up an item for Haley, Morgan is right behind me picking the same item up for herself! So they both had their armful of goodies they brought to the register. Haley insisted on the hugest hibiscus flower clip for her hair. I tried to talk her into getting a smaller one, but she wasn't having it! So that's whats in her case you wondering.

In other news, I enrolled Haley in swim lessons again. And if you remember from last summer it was quite an experience...and I don't mean a good one either! The teacher asked that she repeat the same level again, so I thought she could do that in the Winter (and hopefully pass) and then she'll be ready for the next level swim class in the Summer. So last week I told her she'll be starting her "water fun class with all her friends" (I'm trying to make it sound less scary) and she still freaked out about the whole thing. Great. So on Saturday we took a family outing to the pool to get her accustomed to the water again. It went really well! She loved it! And she even put her head under the water when we played "ring around the rosies"! So far so good! She starts tomorrow...wish us luck!

On Sunday Ryan and I had our first day working in Nursery (taking care of all the 2-3 year olds for nearly two hours). Let's should I say this...well...this job is going to be very challenging for me. Let me explain... Let's go over my week at home shall we: Monday: break up fights between Haley and Morgan. Tuesday: break up fights between Haley and Morgan. Wednesday: break up fights between Haley and Morgan (are you seeing a pattern here?) Thursday: break up fights between Haley and Morgan. Need I go on?! So as you can see, come Sunday, well...did I mention this will be a very challenging job for me?! But, in any case, I'm always up for a challenge! I'll do my best!! Plus, how can I turn this job down when there are so many women and men (with children of their own during the week) who have gone through just this? Luckily for Ryan and I, we only have to do this job every other week. So I do get some adult interaction at church at some point. Please keep in mind that I've been teaching Primary for two years already! Can I complain just a little?!

So yeah...the girls are always, ALWAYS seems anyway. Unless they are engaged in an activity that involves having their own materials (no sharing needed) such as painting, play-do, coloring, etc. they get along great. However, as soon as I try to accomplish something and leave them alone...let the games begin or the WWF, which ever! So anyway, I'm at my wits end!! And so many other parents say, "Oh, it will get better as they get older." NO, NO, NO! It's getting worse as they older!! If you think about it, Morgan is only getting better with her speech, so she's becoming more and more vocal about things. Two stubborn girls!!

Have I ever mentioned Winter is very hard on me...I have a tendency to complain quite a bit more then any other seems.


  1. Nursery would be a very challenging calling when you are already with your own children all week. Tyler and I were in the nursery for 2 years- but prior to having Jordis. It was fun then but I don't think it would be the same for me now. Good luck!
