Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good News!

Well I'm happy to report that Haley's swim lesson yesterday went GREAT! When I told her it was time to get ready there was no screaming and running away from me this time...thank goodness! There's this little boy in her class, he's probably just barely three years old, who completely freaked out when it was time to get in. He just burst into tears and his dad had to come down and stand by him by the side of the pool to coax him in. And the whole time I just thought, "'s not my kid!!!". However, the little boy eventually did get into the water and did just fine by the end of class...unlike Haley.

So because she did such a super job and I'm so proud of her for doing her best, she got to be the first to use our new Red Plate at dinner. I know this is a tradition that many households do, I know I loved it growing up! So I finally found a great plate and we're starting the tradition this year in our house!

So there you have it! Now I just hope she passes the class so she'll be ready for the next level in the Summer...ahhh, Summer, how I miss you!

Also, after her lesson I went ahead and bought a three month pass for the family. Maybe it will help pass the time while I'm waiting for the weather to warm up. So I think we'll be going to the pool quite a bit. They have racquetball courts there too! Oh, how I would love to play! Too bad they don't have a babysitting center there...bummer! In college Ryan and I played a lot of racquetball!!

Funny story: I was playing cut-throat (I think that's what it's called when you have three players) with Ryan and Serjon (not sure I spelled his name right). Anyway, they are probably the two biggest guys at the school, and I'm like the smallest person at the school. So anyway, their arm span was huge, and if you've seen the courts they're not very big. So you can imagine how scary it was for me. I concentrated more on not getting hit by their rackets then I did at trying to hit the ball! Anyway, I eventually got the Serjon. I'm not sure if I ever played cut-throat with them again. Also during that year Serjon crashed me on a bike ride. I fell into a huge icy puddle, yea, it was like 30 degrees outside. And then he also took me out during a game of Ultimate Frisbee...hurt my knee pretty bad. After that I think I got a restraining order against him! Stay away from Croatians, they're up to no good. Just kidding, of course...we still loved him!

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