Monday, February 16, 2009

It's amazing...

what a clean room can do! I finally went through the girls' room and organized a bit. I'm partially to blame for it getting a little out of control...I don't do a very good job at putting things into the correct bin. I'm usually in too big of a rush to clean up and I just throw what ever into what ever bin is closest to me. I guess I'm not a very good example!! I'll try to do better. Anyway, the girls actually were really into the idea of organizing everything. Not that they were a help, of course they weren't, but they did like the idea of helping me empty everything out of their closet. "Mommy's making a MESS!" So anyway, it's done. They actually listened to music and danced for the longest time...I guess celebrating their clean room. I joined them for a while, oh yeah...we were busting out the moves!! It feels good to just be silly with my girls and let loose for a while. Good stress reliever!

One of these days we'll get a bunk bed for these girls! Although Morgan has no problem with her crib! So I'm in no hurry!


  1. it looks great! doesn't it feel so good to have the room clean and organized, even just for a little while? :)

  2. I think maybe reading your blog inspired me to get some cleaning done!
