Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Poopy Post

The time has come...I need to start thinking about potty training Morgan. Something I'm definitely NOT excited about doing. I keep coming up with excuses to put it off more, but I guess I can't do that forever. Too bad. The experience was anything but pleasant with was AWFUL!!! Cleaning up poopy panties is not the problem (that is to be expected) but to have to clean up poopy panties for MONTHS and MONTHS...ugh, just shoot me now and put me out of my misery!! OK, I know Morgan is not Haley, so it could go better. However, I do know that Morgan is just as stubborn, so why would it be any different? The thing that just killed me was the fact that she didn't want to go in the toilet basically because I was telling her to do it. She would hold it and hold it and hold it...she fought me the entire way! And it was like that EVERYDAY!

Ahhh, the memories...I could write about some, but then I might just really gross people out. Except for all the mothers reading this...mothers love talking about stuff like that. Two subjects that never get old with mothers: the day they gave birth, and potty training. It's like a right of passage for us...wait not everyone! Some moms (you know who you are) can like potty train their kid in a week, or a day!!! Well, there's one thing I will say to that...YOU DON'T HAVE A HALEY!!! I cleaned up so much poop messes with Haley, I have already put in more then my share!!! I deserve an easy child now!!!!

I remember this one time Ryan had to clean Haley after a poopy accident (I think I was nursing Morgan at the time...easy out for me!), anyway, after he got the panties off Haley he comes out of the bathroom holding them by the his fingertips as far away from himself as possible. He says, "What do I do with these now...throw them away?". I was like, What?!! Throw them away?!! Do you have any idea how many packs of panties I would have gone through by now if I threw every pair of poopy panties away!!!! THOUSANDS!! It's all about the "dip and swish" to save those suckers!! Now get to it!

All jokes aside...Ryan actually did help out a lot! Like the time he had to change Haley's poopy panties in a gas station at Cove Fort on our way home from Arizona one year. I believe I was nursing Morgan then convenient for me. But talk about gross! Not only in gas station bathroom, but a MENS gas station bathroom...ewwwww!

So anyway, something I'm not looking forward to...Potty Training.

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