Thursday, March 19, 2009

Potties and Puppies

With a new puppy and the whole potty training thing, needless to say, it's a bit crazy in this house. Good thing Morgan has been easy so far or I might just have lost my mind! Now if I can get that puppy trained, all will be good in the world. Getting up at 4:00 in the morning cleaning poop out of her crate is NOT fun (that happened only once, I guess I wasn't quick enough to let her out...lesson learned: be faster!), I'll be glad when she can sleep through the night in her crate without having to be let out to go to the bathroom! I had forgotten all those little annoying puppy traits we have to put up with for a while. But it's a riot watching these two dogs interact, I'm not sure if they're having fun, or trying to kill each other. They wrestle with each other and roll around together all over the house banging into furniture...ahhh, good times. So with the dogs wrestling and my two girls wrestling and fighting I'm basically the referee trying my best to keep everyone in line! Thanks goodness the weather has been warm (temps reaching 70!!). My phrase for the week, "EVERYONE, GO OUTSIDE!!!!".

Not only do I have to get up at night to let the dog out...I think it might have been easier to get up and nurse a baby then it is to stand outside in the cold waiting for a little dog to pee. OK, maybe not, but at least when I nursed at night I was cozy warm on the rocker...and usually asleep. So with the dog and Ryan hacking up a lung every night (he has a horrible cold), sleep is minimal. I know...I'm totally whining. But at least the weather's nice!!! Did I say that already...well, it is!

Conversation during lunch:

Haley: Mom, once you start wearing panties, do you wear them forever?

Me: Yep! Even I wear panties!

Haley leaning over to tell Morgan: Yeah, mommy has really really big panties!

I know I should be offended by this statement...but I could help but crack up! NO, I don't have really, really big panties...Haley's lying! (in case you were wondering)

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