Friday, March 20, 2009

AAA saves the day!

My experience at the dog park was much more eventful then I expected. My main concern when we go there is making sure the girls don't step in dog poop...oh, if I only knew what was in store for me!

So I decided to venture out into civilization today! I feel comfortable enough with Morgan's potty training that I was sure she'd be fine. She's pretty good at letting me know when she has to go. Anyway, after we had been there for about 15 minutes, Morgan runs up to me, "I have to go potty!". So realizing that there are no bathrooms nearby, I decide to pack everyone up and go find a restaurant or gas station or something close. I load Etta in the back first, shut the back and then realized that I just locked my keys in the car!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I think I even yelled that out loud. Keep in mind that the weather is in the low 70's and the car was already warm inside and parked in the sun!

I had left my purse in the car with my wallet (with AAA number), and my phone (we got that stupid phone for me in case of an emergency, and then I go and lock that in the car too...I'm such a ding dong!). So looking around the parking lot I notice a police car parked. So I drag the girls back into the dog park (all the while Morgan saying she has to go potty) and try to track down the owner of that car!! Pretty soon EVERYONE there know my situation, and luckily I find the officer. Unfortunately, he doesn't have anything to open the car, but lends me his phone to call Ryan...but probably seeing some foreign number come up on his phone he decides not to answer. So, the officer uses his lap top to look up AAA for me. While we're busy the girls are finding some very random things in the parking lot. Morgan finds a pair of prescription glasses and decides to wear those for a while. And Haley brings me a tampon!!!! EEEWWWWW! Luckily it wasn't used...I grabbed it from her and threw it as far as I could! Gross me out...who leaves an open tampon in a parking lot?!

We finally found the emergency number, and of course I'm frantic on the phone. "My dog is locked in, and it's very warm!! Please hurry!" After I get off the phone, and thank the officer for his help, I notice Morgan walking with her legs about two feet apart. That of course only means one thing...and yes it was poop. Poor thing couldn't hold it any longer! So I find the most discreet spot off to the side of the parking lot to strip her down. Luckily, she hadn't sit down so it wasn't all smooshed up. I VERY carefully slid off her panties. And at the very moment someone decides to park right beside us!! Out of all the places open, he chooses that one! So I had one witness to this incident (that I know of anyway). I dump the poop in the grass, put her pants back on, and then put her panties under the car. Don't worry...I didn't leave them there. I put them into a plastic bag once the car was open.

So about 10 minutes after I called, AAA arrived!!! Yay! Oh, and while we were waiting Haley fell out of a tree and scraped her leg (very minor!!). But that didn't stop her from tons of wailing, "Is my skin going to grow back!!! I NEED a band aid...I NEED one...we NEED to go home NOW!!" (you get the idea)

After AAA saved the day and Haley was able to calm down, we went back in the park for a little while longer...since Morgan had already taken care of business and all, might as well. And it turned out to be a really nice afternoon!

And they never did step in poop!

1 comment:

  1. that is the funniest story, Kelly... thank you for such a good laugh this morning! I swear that could have only happened to you - and you keep so upbeat through it all! I love that you actually went back into the dog park after all that!
