Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thank You!

I have been such a scatterbrain lately!

When ever I go to Costco the girls love to hold my Costco Credit Card to show the lady standing at the door. That, and holding the receipt to give to the other lady as we leave. They usually put a happy face on it, and the girls love it! Oh, and the samples...those are the things they love about Costco.

Anyway, so today Haley held my credit card to show the lady, then I took it back and stuck it in the outside pocket of my purse (HONEST...I know I did!), which happened to be sitting in the seat next to Morgan. So as I'm browsing the isles at some point Morgan pulled it out...and ultimately dropped it. No, I did not witness her doing this, but this is what I believe to be true!

So, about an hour later...with a basket FULL of groceries I go to check out. NO CARD! Ahhhhhhhh!!! Why!!!! So I explained that it must have been dropped in the store, because I KNOW I had it to get in. After a bit of fumbling around and searching everywhere: the cart, my purse (like a hundred times!), Morgan...it was no where to be found. So they checked the front membership desk and low and behold someone turned it in!!! My lucky day!!

The funny thing...just a few months ago I found a Costco credit card laying on the ground at the Costco gas station. I was a good Samaritan and turned it in! So, I guess it's true...do good things, and good things will happen to you (or something like that).

So thank you, who ever you are, for turning in my card! You made my day a little bit easier...because quoting one of the girls' favorite picture books, "It could have been worse!".

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