Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Warm weather...where are you?!

The weather has taken a turn for the worse! We went from beautiful sunny 75 degree weather to yucky 40's...boo hoo! It even snowed on Monday...I absolutely can't stand it!!! Today it's overcast and rainy, it automatically puts me in a depressed mood. I become way too grumpy, and snap at the kids too much. They are antsy, and they seem to bicker and fight constantly...basically driving me to insanity! Any type of activity we do ends up with them fighting it seems. Please...I need nice weather soon!!! As another fellow blogger wrote: I'm tired...I'm tired of baking cookies, tired of doing crafts, tired of playing with play-do, tired of coloring and reading stories. I'm ready to hear the sound of children playing OUTSIDE!!!! (I paraphrased of course, but you get the idea)

So, speaking of the joys of motherhood...in about a month or so my brother and his wife will be having their baby...their first! We are so excited about it!

I stole this picture off of their blog, it was taken at her baby shower a couple of weeks ago. I forgot my camera so I have to resort in swiping from other people. Anyway, they're having a boy...Jett Alexander. And we just can't wait to meet him!

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